Root Server Expert

Starting from
159,33 €

Physically dedicated server in our high-performance data center

4 CPU cores

Intel Xeon E-2314

16 GB main memory

DDR4 ECC RAM from Kingston

2 x 240 GB NVME

NVME from the manufacturer Micron

Raid 1 controller

Adaptec 3101E-4i controller

1000 Mbit/s port

Optionally also 10000 Mbit/s

Root Server Professional

Starting from
163,83 €

Physically dedicated server in our high-performance data center

6 CPU cores

Intel Xeon E-2336

32 GB main memory

DDR4 ECC RAM from Kingston

2 x 960 GB NVME

NVME from the manufacturer Micron

Raid 1 controller

Adaptec 3101E-4i controller

1000 Mbit/s port

Optionally also 10000 Mbit/s

Root Server Performance

Starting from
177,33 €

Physically dedicated server in our high-performance data center

8 CPU cores

Intel Xeon E-2378

64 GB main memory

DDR4 ECC RAM from Kingston

2 x 1,92 TB NVME

NVME from the manufacturer Micron

Raid 1 controller

Adaptec 3101E-4i controller

1000 Mbit/s port

Optionally also 10000 Mbit/s

Included With Every Plan

  • Hosting in unserem eigenen Rechenzentrum im Saarland
  • Wahlweise mit Plesk, Froxlor oder Cpanel
  • 1 Domain bereits kostenlos inklusive (.de/.com/.net/.org/.info/.biz/.at/.ch/.eu)
  • 1 SSL Zertifikat zur sicheren Kommunikation inklusive
  • Auswahl zwischen zahlreichen Betriebssystemen (Debian, Ubuntu, Windows Server, uvm.)
  • 1 IP-Adresse (optional bis zu 32 IP-Adressen)
  • Unbegrenztes Transfervolumen
  • Tägliches Backup deiner Daten (optional)
  • 24/7 technischer Support