E-Mail Entry

Starting from
1,91 €
Monthly + 4,95 Setup Fee

For beginners and novices

1 .de domain included

One domain below the top-level domain .de.

3 mailboxes

Mailboxes to give different users access to their own e-mail address.

5 GB storage space

Storage space on our systems to use for email messages, databases or your website.

1 SSL certificate included

Certificates are used to encrypt communication and validate people and companies.

E-Mail Expert

Starting from
4,91 €
Monthly + 4,95 Setup Fee

Ideal for families and clubs

1 .de domain included

One domain below the top-level domain .de.

10 mailboxes

Mailboxes to give different users access to their own e-mail address.

50 GB storage space

Storage space on our systems to use for email messages, databases or your website.

1 SSL certificate included

Certificates are used to encrypt communication and validate people and companies.

Included With Every Plan

  • Eine .de Domain bereits inklusive
  • Spam-Filter
  • Viren-Filter
  • unbegrenzt viele E-Mail-Aliase
  • Weiterleiten von Nachrichten
  • Mailinglisten
  • Autoresponder
  • Webmail
  • Absicherung mittels SSL
  • Upgrade jederzeit möglich
  • Postausgangskontrolle
  • Mehrbenutzerfähig