Virtual Root Server Expert
Your own root server! Decide for yourself!
4 CPU cores
AMD processors from the EPYC series
8 GB main memory
Ultra-fast DDR4 ECC RAM
300 GB NVME memory
NVME memory in hyper-converged storage
IPv6 Ready
IPv6 - the protocol of the next Internet generation
Optional backup
Incremental and full backups on a daily or weekly basis
Virtual Root Server Professional
Your own root server! Decide for yourself!
8 CPU cores
AMD processors from the EPYC series
16 GB main memory
Ultra-fast DDR4 ECC RAM
400 GB NVME memory
NVME memory in hyper-converged storage
IPv6 Ready
IPv6 - the protocol of the next Internet generation
Optional backup
Incremental and full backups on a daily or weekly basis
Virtual Root Server Performance
Your own root server! Decide for yourself!
16 CPU cores
AMD processors from the EPYC series
32 GB main memory
Ultra-fast DDR4 ECC RAM
500 GB NVME memory
NVME memory in hyper-converged storage
IPv6 Ready
IPv6 - the protocol of the next Internet generation
Optional backup
Incremental and full backups on a daily or weekly basis
Included With Every Plan
- 1 Domain bereits kostenlos inklusive (.de/.com/.net/.org/.info/.biz/.at/.ch/.eu)
- Auswahl zwischen zahlreichen Betriebssystemen (Debian, Ubuntu, Windows Server, uvm.)
- 1 IP-Adresse (optional bis zu 32 IP-Adressen)
- Unbegrenztes Transfervolumen
- Tägliches Backup deiner Daten (optional)
- Hosting in unserem Rechenzentrum
- 24/7 technischer Support
- Paketwechsel jederzeit möglich